Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Key Holder

Combination of:

Key holder was once a great two headed warrior of  Clayland. He got  wounded in battle and fell into a super magic pond and transformed into the Key Holder .


Anonymous said...

what does the key open?

love, Dad

Anonymous said...

what does the key open?

love, Dad

Fancy meeting you here! said...

Hey Colvin! Great detail in the faces! Can't wait to see more cool sculptures from you-

Anonymous said...

HI Colvin, I love the sculptures! You are a very talented young man...I can not wait to see more of your creations.


JSobo5 said...

i love your clay creations.
love, cousin aidan

Colvin said...

i am looking forward to meeting you cousin adian

colvin Hathaway said...

It was a request from JJ.